13. UART

13. Universal asynchronous transceiver UART

13.1 Introduction to UART

CH559 chip provides two full-duplex asynchronous serial ports: UART0 and UART1. UART0 is a standard MCS51 serial port. Its data reception and transmission are realized through SBUF access to physically separate transmit / receive registers. The data written to SBUF is loaded into the transmit register, and the read operation to SBUF corresponds to the receive buffer register.

UART1 is an enhanced asynchronous serial port with the following features:

  1. Compatible with 16C550 asynchronous serial port and enhanced.
  2. Support 5, 6, 7 or 8 data bits and 1 or 2 stop bits.
  3. support odd, even, no parity, blank 0, flag 1 and other verification methods.
  4. Programmable communication baud rate, supporting 115200bps and communication baud rate up to 3Mbps.
  5. .Built-in independent transmit and receive buffers and 8-byte FIFO FIFO buffer, support 4 FIFO trigger levels.
  6. Support MODEM modem signals CTS, DSR, RI, DCD, DTR, RTS, can be externally converted to RS232 level.
  7. Support hardware flow control signals CTS and RTS automatic handshake and automatic transmission rate control, compatible with TL16C550C.
  8. Support for serial frame error detection and Break line interval detection.
  9. Built-in SIR infrared codec, support IrDA infrared communication with baud rate of 2400bps to 115200bps.
  10. Supports full-duplex and half-duplex serial communication, and provides a status pin for switching RS485.
  11. Built-in half-duplex differential transceiver, directly supports simple long-distance multi-machine communication similar to RS485 bus.
  12. Support to preset the address when this machine is used as a slave, used to automatically match the data packets on the bus when multi-machine communication.

13.2 UART Register

Table 13.2.1 List of UART related registers

NameAddressDescriptionReset value
SBUF99hUART0 data registerxxh
SCON98hUART0 Control Register00h
SER1_DLL9AhUART1 baud rate divisor latch low bytexxh
SER1_RBR9AhUART1 data receive buffer register (read only)xxh
SER1_THR9AhUART1 data transmission holding register (write only)xxh
SER1_FIFO9AhUART1 data FIFO read and write registerxxh
SER1_DIV97hUART1 prescaler divisor registerxxh
SER1_ADDR97hUART1 bus address preset registerFFh
SER1_MSR96hModem MODEM status register (read only)F0h
SER1_LSR95hUART1 line status register (read only)60h
SER1_MCR94hModem MODEM control register00h
SER1_LCR93hUART1 line control register00h
SER1_IIR92hUART1 interrupt identification register (read only)01h
SER1_FCR92hFIFO control register (write only)00h
SER1_DLM91hUART1 baud rate divisor latch high byte80h
SER1_IER91hUART1 interrupt enable register00h

13.2.1 UART0 Register Description

UART0 control register (SCON):

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
7SM0RWUART0 working mode selection bit 0, this bit is 0 selects 8-bit data asynchronous communication; this bit is 1 selects 9-bit data asynchronous communication0
6SM1RWUART0 working mode selection bit 1, this bit is 0 to set the fixed baud rate. This bit is 1 to set the variable baud rate, generated by timer T1 or T20

UART0 multi-machine communication control bit:

When receiving data in modes 2 and 3, when SM2 = 1, if RB8 is 0, then RI is not set to 1, reception is invalid. If RB8 is 1, then RI is set to 1, reception is valid. When SM2 = 0

When RB8 is 0 or 1, RI is set when receiving data, and the reception is valid. In mode 1, if SM2 = 1, then the reception is valid only when a valid stop bit is received. In mode 0, SM2 Bit must be set to 0

4RENRWUART0 enable reception control bit, this bit is 0 to disable reception; this bit is 1 to enable reception0
3TB8RWThe 9th bit of the transmitted data. In modes 2 and 3, TB8 is used to write the 9th bit of the transmitted data, which can be a parity bit.In multi-machine communication, it is used to indicate whether the host sends an address byte Data byte, TB8 = 0 is data, TB8 = 1 is address0
2RB8RWThe 9th bit of the received data, in modes 2 and 3, RB8 is used to store the 9th bit of received data. In mode 1, if SM2 = 0, then RB8 is used to store the received stop bit. In mode 0 Without using RB80
1TIRWSend interrupt flag bit, which is set by hardware after a data byte is transmitted and needs to be cleared by software0
0RIRWReceive interrupt flag bit, which is set by hardware after a data byte is received and needs to be cleared by software0

Table UART0 working mode selection

00Mode 0, shift register mode, fixed baud rate is Fsys / 12
01Mode 1, 8-bit asynchronous communication mode, variable baud rate, generated by timer T1 or T2
10mode 2, 9-bit asynchronous communication mode, the baud rate is Fsys / 128 (SMOD = 0) or Fsys / 32 (SMOD = 1)
11Mode 3, 9-bit asynchronous communication, variable baud rate, generated by timer T1 or T2

In modes 1 and 3, when RCLK = 0 and TCLK = 0, the UART0 baud rate is generated by timer T1. T1 should be set to mode 2 auto-reload 8-bit timer mode, bT1_CT and bT1_GATE must both be 0, divided into the following types of clock situations.

Table Calculation formula of UART0 baud rate generated by T1

110TH1 = 256-Fsys/32/ baud rate
111TH1 = 256-Fsys/16/ baud rate
010TH1 = 256-Fsys/4/32/ baud rate
011TH1 = 256-Fsys/4/16/ baud rate
X00TH1 = 256-Fsys/12/32/ baud rate
X01TH1 = 256-Fsys/12/16/ baud rate

In modes 1 and 3, when RCLK = 1 or TCLK = 1, the baud rate of UART0 is generated by timer T2. T2 should be set to 16-bit automatic re-carrier rate generator mode, C_T2 and CP_RL2 must both be 0, divided into the following types of clock situations.

Table Calculation formula of UART0 baud rate generated by T2

11RCAP2 = 65536-Fsys/16 / baud rate
01RCAP2 = 65536-Fsys/2/16 / baud rate
X0RCAP2 = 65536-Fsys/4/16 / baud rate

UART0 data register (SBUF):

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
[7:0]SBUFRWUART0 data register, including sending and receiving two physically separate registers. Writing data to SBUF corresponds to the transmit data register. Reading data from SBUF corresponds to the receive data registerxxh

UART1 data FIFO read and write register SER1_FIFO, including data receiving buffer register SER1_RBR and data transmission holding register SER1_THR two physically separate registers.

Data receive buffer register (SER1_RBR), only valid when bLCR_DLAB = 0:

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
[7:0]SER1_RBRROSerial port receive buffer register. If the bLSR_DATA_RDY bit of SER1_LSR is 1, you can read the received data from this register. If bFCR_FIFO_EN is 1, the data received from the serial port shift register is first stored in the receive FIFO and then passed This register readsxxh

Data transmission holding register (SER1_THR), only valid when bLCR_DLAB = 0:

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
[7:0]SER1_THRWOThe serial port transmission holding register, including the transmission FIFO, is used to write the data to be transmitted. If bFCR_FIFO_EN is 1, the written data is first stored in the transmission FIFO and then output one by one through the transmission shift registerxxh

Interrupt enable register (SER1_IER), only valid when bLCR_DLAB = 0:

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
7bIER_RESETRWSerial port software reset control bit. This bit is 1 to reset the serial port. This bit can be automatically cleared without software clear0
6bIER_EN_MODEM_ORWUART1 Modem signal output enable bit, this bit is 1 to enable MODEM signal RTS / DTR output, this bit is 0 to disable output0
5bIER_PIN_MOD1RWUART1 pin mode selection high0
4bIER_PIN_MOD0RWUART1 pin mode selection low0
3bIER_MODEM_CHGRWModem input status change interrupt enable bit, this bit is 1 to enable the modem input status change interrupt. This bit is 0 to disable0
2bIER_LINE_STATRWReceive line status interrupt enable bit, this bit is 1 to enable the receive line status interrupt. This bit is 0 to disable0
1bIER_THR_EMPTYRWTransmit Holding Register Empty Interrupt Enable Bit. This bit is 1 to enable the transmit holding register empty interrupt. This bit is 0 to disable.0
0bIER_RECV_RDYRWReceived data interrupt enable bit, this bit is 1 to enable generation of receive data completion interrupt and subsequent timeout interrupt of received data, this bit is 0 disable0

The pin mode of UART1 consists of both bIER_PIN_MOD1 and bIER_PIN_MOD0 and bUH1_DISABLE, bXBUS_CS_OE, bXBUS_AL_OE, bALE_CLK_EN are combined to select different configurations.Among them, the last four can be combined into RS485EN:


x00RXD1 uses pin P4.0, TXD1 disables output
010RXD1 and TXD1 use pins P2.6 / RXD1 and P2.7 / TXD1 respectively
001RXD1 and TXD1 use pins P4.0 / RXD1_ and P4.4 / TXD1_ respectively
011RXD1 and TXD1 and TNOW use pins P2.6 and P2.7 and P2.5 respectively
110RXD1 and TXD1 share iRS485 differential pins XA and XB
101RXD1 and TXD1 use pins XA and XB together, TNOW uses pin P4.4
111RXD1 and TXD1 use pins XA and XB together, TNOW uses pin P2.5

The last three configurations in the above table are iRS485 half-duplex communication mode.At this time, RS485EN = 1, RXD1 and TXD1 use iRS485 differential pins XA and XB together. Through the built-in half-duplex differential transceiver, it directly supports simple RS485 Long-distance multi-machine communication of the bus.

In iRS485 half-duplex communication mode, the following parameters need to be set:

  1. Set bMCR_HALF in SER1_MCR to 1, half-duplex transceiver mode;
  2. Set bUH1_DISABLE in UHUB1_CTRL to 1 to disable the HP / HM pin.

Interrupt Identification Register (SER1_IIR):

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
[7:6]MASK_U1_IIR_IDR0FIFO enable flag, 11 means FIFO is enabled00b
[3:0]MASK_U1_IIR_INTR0UART1 interrupt status flag0001b
0bIIR_NO_INTR0UART1 is interrupt flag, it is 1 without interrupt. 0 is interrupt1

The interrupt status of UART1 is composed of 4 bits, bIIR_INT_FLAG3, bIIR_INT_FLAG2, bIIR_INT_FLAG1, and bIIR_INT_FLAG0. MASK_U1_IIR_INT is used as the serial port interrupt flag of UART1. The specific interrupts are shown in the following table.

NameAddressInterrupt typeInterrupt sourceClear interrupt method
U1_INT_SLV_ADDR0EhBus address matchReceived 1 data is the serial bus address, and the address matches the preset value or broadcast addressRead SER1_IIR or disable multi-machine mode
U1_INT_RECV_RDY04hReceive data availableThe number of received bytes reaches the trigger point of the FIFORead SER1_RBR
U1_INT_RECV_TOUT0ChReceive data timeoutData has been received, but the next data has not been received for more than 4 data bytesRead SER1_RBR
U1_INT_THR_EMPTY02hSER1_THR register is emptyThe transmit holding register is empty, and bIER_THR_EMPTY changes from 0 to 1 to re-enable the interruptRead SER1_IIR or write SER1_THR
U1_INT_MODEM_CHG00hMODEM input change△ CTS or △ DSR or △ RI or △ DCDRead SER1_MSR
U1_INT_NO_INTER01hNo interruptionWithout interruption

FIFO control register (SER1_FCR):

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
7bFCR_FIFO_TRIG1W0Receive FIFO interrupt and hardware flow control trigger point set high0
6bFCR_FIFO_TRIG0W0Receive FIFO interrupt and hardware flow control trigger point set low0
2bFCR_T_FIFO_CLRW0Send FIFO data clear enable bit, this bit is 1 to clear the data in the transmit FIFO (excluding the data being transmitted). This bit can be automatically cleared without software clearing0
1bFCR_R_FIFO_CLRW0Receive FIFO data clear enable bit, this bit is 1 to clear the data in the receive FIFO (excluding the data being received). This bit can be cleared automatically without software clearing0
0bFCR_FIFO_ENW0FIFO enable bit, this bit is 1 to enable FIFO; this bit is 0 to disable FIFO. After disabling FIFO, it is 16C450 compatible mode, which is equivalent to FIFO having only one byte depth.It is recommended to enable FIFO0

bFCR_FIFO_TRIG1 and bFCR_FIFO_TRIG0 form MASK_U1_FIFO_TRIG, which is used to set the interrupt point of the receive FIFO and the trigger point of hardware flow control: 11 corresponds to 7 bytes, that is, the reception of full 7 bytes generates an interrupt that is available for receiving data. When = 1, the level of the RTS pin is automatically disabled. 10 corresponds to 4 bytes. 01 corresponds to 2 bytes. 00 corresponds to 1 byte.

Line Control Register (SER1_LCR):

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
7bLCR_DLABRWBaud rate divisor latch access enable bit. This bit is 0 to enable access to the registers SER1_RBR, SER1_THR, SER1_IER, SER1_ADR. This bit is 1 to enable access to the registers SER1_DLL, SER1_DLM, SER1_DIV0
6bLCR_BREAK_ENRWForce BREAK line interval enable bit, this bit is 0, no BREAK output is generated. This bit is 1, force BREAK output0
5bLCR_PAR_MOD1RWHigh parity mode0
4bLCR_PAR_MOD0RWLow parity mode0
3bLCR_PAR_ENRWParity enable bit. This bit is 0. There is no parity bit. This bit is 1 to allow parity check bits to be generated during transmission and received during reception.0
2bLCR_STOP_BITRWStop bit format setting bit, this bit is 0, there is a stop bit; this bit is 1, there are two stop bits0
1bLCR_WORD_SZ1RWData word length set high0
0bLCR_WORD_SZ0RWData word length set low0

The combination of bLCR_PAR_MOD1 and bLCR_PAR_MOD0 sets the format of the parity bit when bLCR_PAR_EN is 1: 00 for odd parity, 01 for even parity, 10 for flag bit (MARK, set to 1), and 11 for blank bit (SPACE, cleared to 0) ).

The combination of bLCR_WORD_SZ1 and bLCR_WORD_SZ0 sets the word length of a single data without parity: 00 is 5 data bits, 01 is 6 data bits, 10 is 7 data bits, and 11 is 8 data bits.

MODEM control register (SER1_MCR):

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
7bMCR_HALFRWHalf-duplex transmit / receive mode enable bit. This bit is 0 to disable the half-duplex transmit / receive mode and support full duplex. The bit is 1 to enter the automatic half-duplex transmit / receive mode. Sending takes priority. Receiving is suspended during transmission. For receiving0
6bMCR_TNOWRWRTS pin function selection bit, this bit is 0 for standard RTS output; this bit is 1 for TNOW output, and the state of output is being transmitted, which can be used to control the half-duplex mode of RS485.0
5bMCR_AUTO_FLOWRWCTS and RTS hardware automatic flow control enable bit, this bit is 0 to disable hardware flow control. This bit is 1 to enable hardware automatic flow control.After hardware flow control is enabled, the serial port will continue to send the next data only when the CTS pin input is active low, otherwise the serial port transmission will be suspended. After hardware flow control is enabled, if bMCR_RTS is 1, then when the receive FIFO is empty, The serial port will automatically activate the low-level RTS pin automatically. When the number of bytes received reaches the trigger point of the FIFO, the serial port will automatically invalidate the RTS pin and be able to activate the RTS pin again when the receive FIFO is empty. After enabling hardware flow control CTSA change in input state does not generate a MODEM state interrupt. By connecting your own CTS pin to the other's RTS pin and sending your own RTS pin to the other's CTS pin, you can implement hardware automatic rate control0
4bMCR_LOOPRWTest mode enable bit for internal loop, this bit is 0 to disable internal loop test. This bit is 1 to enable internal loop test. In the internal loop test mode, all external output pins of the serial port are inactive.TXD1 internally returns to RXD1, RTS internally returns to CTS, DTR internally returns to DSR, OUT1 internally returns to RI, and OUT2 internally returns to DCD.0
3bMCR_OUT2RWSerial port interrupt request output enable bit, this bit is 0 to disable the serial port interrupt request output, this bit is 1 to enable the serial port interrupt request output0
2bMCR_OUT1RWUser-defined MODEM control bit, no actual output pin is connected, used for internal loop test, or as a general-purpose data bit0
1bMCR_RTSRWRTS pin output control bit. When this bit is 0, the RTS pin output is invalid (high level). When the bit is 1, the RTS pin output is valid (low level)0
0bMCR_DTRRWDTR pin output control bit. When this bit is 0, the DTR pin output is invalid (high level). When the bit is 1, the DTR pin output is valid (low level)0

Line Status Register (SER1_LSR):

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
7bLSR_ERR_R_FIFOR0Error flag of the receive FIFO. This bit is 1 indicating that there is at least one bLSR_PAR_ERR, bLSR_FRAME_ERR, or bLSR_BREAK_ERR error in the receive FIFO.0
6bLSR_T_ALL_EMPR0Transmit related register full empty flag bit, this bit is 1 means the transmit holding register SER1_THR and FIFO and transmit shift register are empty1
5bLSR_T_FIFO_EMPR0This bit is 1 to indicate that the transmit holding registers SER1_THR and FIFO are empty1
4bLSR_BREAK_ERRR0When this bit is 1, it indicates that BREAK line interval status is detected0
3bLSR_FRAME_ERRR0This bit is 1 to indicate that the current data in the receive FIFO is framing, and a valid stop bit is missing0
2bLSR_PAR_ERRR0This bit is 1 to indicate the parity error of the current data in the receive FIFO0
1bLSR_OVER_ERRR0This bit is 1 to indicate the receive FIFO buffer overflow0
0bLSR_DATA_RDYR0This bit is 1 to indicate that there is received data in the receive FIFO. After reading all the data in the FIFO, this bit is automatically cleared to 00

Modem MODEM status register (SER1_MSR):

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
7bMSR_DCDR0This bit is the bit inversion of the DCD pin. A value of 1 indicates that the DCD pin is active (active low)1
6bMSR_RIR0This bit is the bit inversion of the RI pin. A 1 indicates that the RI pin is active (active low)1
5bMSR_DSRR0This bit is the bit inversion of the DSR pin. A value of 1 indicates that the DSR pin is active (active low)1
4bMSR_CTSR0This bit is the bit inversion of the CTS pin. A 1 indicates that the CTS pin is active (active low)1
3bMSR_DCD_CHGR0This bit is 1 to indicate that the input status of the DCD pin has changed.0
2bMSR_RI_CHGR0This bit is 1 to indicate that the input state of the RI pin has changed0
1bMSR_DSR_CHGR0This bit is 1 to indicate that the input state of the DSR pin has changed0
0bMSR_CTS_CHGR0This bit is 1 to indicate that the CTS pin input state has changed0

UART1 bus address preset register (SER1_ADDR), only valid when bLCR_DLAB = 0:

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
[7:0]SER1_ADDRRWPreset bus address for automatic comparison in multi-machine communicationFFh

SER1_ADDR presets the address when this machine is used as a slave. It is used to automatically compare the received addresses during multi-machine communication, and to generate an interrupt when the addresses match or when it receives the broadcast address 0FFH, and at the same time allow receiving subsequent data packets. Do not receive any data before the address does not match. After starting to send data or after rewriting the SER1_ADDR register, stop receiving any data until the next time the address matches again or the broadcast address is received.

When SER1_ADDR is 0FFH or bLCR_PAR_EN = 0, the automatic comparison of bus addresses is disabled.

When SER1_ADDR is not 0FFH and bLCR_PAR_EN = 1, the automatic comparison of the bus address is enabled, and the following parameters should be configured: bLCR_WORD_SZ1 and bLCR_WORD_SZ0 are both 1 to select 8 data bits. BLCR_PAR_MOD1 is always 1. For the address byte is MARK In the case where bit 9 of the data byte is 0, bLCR_PAR_MOD0 should be set to 1.For the case where the address byte is SPACE (that is, bit 9 of the data byte is 1), bLCR_PAR_MOD0 should be set to 0, that is, select according to the data byte.

UART1 baud rate divisor latch (SER1_DLM, SER1_DLL), only valid when bLCR_DLAB = 1:

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
[7:0]SER1_DLLRWSER1_DLL is the low byte and SER1_DLM is the high byte. The two form a 16-bit divisor and are used for a serial baud rate generator composed of a 16-bit counter. These registers can only be read and written when bLCR_DLAB is 1. The divisor = Fsys * 2 / SER1_DIV / 16 / baud ratexxh

UART1 prescaler divisor register (SER1_DIV), only valid when bLCR_DLAB = 1:

BitNameAccessDescriptionReset value
[7:0]SER1_DIVRWIt is used to multiply the system main clock Fsys and then pre-divide to generate the internal reference clock of the serial port baud rate generator. This register can only be read and written when bLCR_DLAB is 1xxh

13.3 UART Application

UART0 application:

  1. Select the baud rate generator of UART0, you can choose from timer T1 or T2, and configure the corresponding counter.
  2. Start the timer.
  3. Set SM0, SM1, and SM2 of SCON to select the working mode of serial port 0. Set REN to 1 to enable UART0 reception.
  4. You can set the serial port interrupt or query the RI and TI interrupt status.
  5. Read and write SBUF implements serial data transmission and reception, the allowable baud rate error of the serial port receiving signal is not greater than 2%.

UART1 application:

  1. Set the bit bLCR_DLAB of SER1_LCR to 1, write the UART1 prescaler register SER1_DIV, calculate the baud rate divisor according to the baud rate, the divisor = Fsys / 8 / SER1_DIV / baud rate, and the high n. low bytes of the divisor are written to SER1_DLM And SER1_DLL.
  2. Set SER1_LCR, select the appropriate serial data format, data byte, and parity mode.
  3. Optional setting SER1_IER, select UART1 interrupt status trigger.
  4. If the interrupt mode is used, the bit bMCR_OUT2 of SER1_MCR needs to be set to 1 to enable the interrupt output; otherwise, the interrupt status bit needs to be queried actively.
  5. Read and write SER1_FIFO to realize serial data transmission and reception, the allowable baud rate error of the serial port receiving signal is not greater than 2%.